Health care system

Medicines in New Zealand


New Zealand pharmacies are like supermarkets. In addition to medicines, they sell a fairly wide range of goods: hygiene products, toiletries, baby products, all sorts of dietary supplements and vitamins.

Medicines are mostly prescribed by a doctor, and in free access you can find only the most basic drugs, for example: Ibuprofen, Panadol, lozenges, cough syrups and so on. In addition, medicines in New Zealand are quite expensive. The cost of individual drugs can reach 100-200 NZ$. If you belong to the part of the population eligible for subsidies, the cost of prescription drugs will be only 5 NZ$.


Dental treatment in New Zealand is not covered by the government and the cost is not suitable for everyone. For this reason, many New Zealanders travel abroad for dental treatment. The approximate cost of dental services in the country is: 60-100 NZ$ for an examination; 150-300 NZ$ for filling one tooth. Standard medical insurance covers dental services for at best 500-700 NZ$ per year.

Pregnancy and childbirth in New Zealand

Childbirth in New Zealand is a free service for those who fit the subsidy criteria, as well as their partners. New Zealanders do not consider expecting a baby and childbirth to be a disease requiring special care, so the supervision of a normally ongoing pregnancy is carried out by a midwife, meetings with whom most often resemble a sit-down with a girlfriend.

For those who cannot or do not want to give birth with a midwife, there is always the option of a paid clinic with all the specialists and a personal doctor who will not only manage the entire pregnancy, but also deliver your baby. The cost of services can vary depending on the clinic from 4 to 8 thousand New Zealand dollars. The difference in paid and free pregnancy is that it is the doctor that you will communicate with throughout your pregnancy. In case of questions and necessary examinations you will not need to go and get directions to the doctor, all the nuances of your pregnancy and labor will be in the hands of one specialist.

After the birth, mom and baby are transferred to a special postpartum Birthcare facility, where, as a rule, there are no doctors. Here, the young mother is taught how to care for her newborn. It should be said about paid maternity leave in New Zealand, from July 1, 2018 it is 22 weeks, but the workplace will keep you for another year (if you have previously worked a year in the company).

During maternity leave you can receive payments equal to your salary, but no more than 538.55 NZD per week before tax.

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