Primary care

Emergency care in New Zealand


If you need urgent medical attention, you should go to the nearest hospital immediately, as well as White Cross facilities on duty and walk-in clinics by neighborhood, which you can find on Google. A visit to the family doctor beforehand is not necessary.

At the hospital, the patient will be seen by a practice nurse. If the patient’s condition is serious and life-threatening, he or she will be referred to a doctor immediately. In other cases, the patient will have to wait in a “waiting list” to see a doctor. The waiting time can be several hours, especially on weekends.

You can also contact Healthpoint’s 24-hour telephone counseling service.

HealthPoint is a toll-free phone line that is open 24/7. You can get advice about your health and medical care in New Zealand. Qualified nurses are available to help you determine if you need to see a doctor, find a clinic, or answer health-related questions.

How to know where to go if you are in pain

The Your Location Doctor website schematically summarizes the levels of care.

GP / Pharmacy

If you have a cold or other illness, you can go to consult your GP family doctor or go to the pharmacy if you have a mild illness.

Accident & Medical Clinic (Urgent Care Clinic)

For urgent health problems when you cannot see your family doctor. For example, if you break your arm or get a deep cut.

Hospital. Urgent care hospital

If you are seriously ill and need to be hospitalized and there is a life-threatening condition, you should go to an emergency room by calling 111.

ACC Accident Insurance

All people in New Zealand, regardless of visa type, age and occupation, or time spent in the country, are insured with Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). This organization covers all accidents, from road accidents and workplace injuries, to skiing injuries, accidental falls and more.

If an accident does occur, the medical staff at the hospital offers to fill out the necessary form. ACC allows you to pay not only for medical treatment and recovery expenses, but also includes payment for home and work assistance, as well as disability benefits.

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